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We put together three effective and proven ways to generate more qualified leads with Google Ads. If you can master these three tips you'll be on your way to a high-converting Google Ads campaign.

1. Improve Your Ad Quality Score

Before we share how to achieve a high Quality Score you must understand how Quality Score is calculated. 

Google uses the following three components to determine Quality Score:

  • Expected Clickthrough Rate (aka CTR): A keyword status that measures how likely your ad will get clicked when shown for a particular keyword.
  • Landing Page Experience: How useful and relevant your landing page is for the people who clicked on your ad.
  • Ad Relevance: How closely your ad corresponds with the intent behind a user's search.
Click through rate, landing page and ad relevance illustrations.
Now that you know and understand the three components that Google uses to determine your ad Quality Score you can optimize for each component.

How To Increase Clickthrough Rate (CTR)

  • Make an irresistible offer to your target audience that compels them to click such as a free estimate and a $0 enrollment fee.
  • Be sure your ad text matches the intent of the keywords you're targeting.
  • Test and experiment with different calls to action (CTA) that correlate with your landing page such as "sign up, buy now, start your free trial and get a free quote."

How To Improve Landing Page Experience

  • Have consistent messaging that flows from the ad to the landing page. Be sure your ad's offer or call to action follows through to the landing page.
  • The landing page should be easy to navigate through, so the user can find what they're looking for easily.
  • Your page load time should be good (under 3 seconds). You can check and find new ways to improve your page speed using Google's PageSpeed Insights to reduce bounce rate.

How To Increase Your Ad Relevance

  • Include keywords you're targeting in the ad text.
  • Match your ad text to user search terms.
  • Create an ad that's simple yet compelling. Less is more.
  • Test different ad variations and choose the best performing variant.

2. Utilize Negative Keywords

Negative keywords let you exclude unrelated or underperforming search terms from your campaigns and let you focus on keywords that matter most to your customers. Furthermore, negative keywords allow for better targeting and effective ad budget utilization, which increases your return on investment (ROI).

It's important that you pick your negative keywords carefully, so they don't conflict with any of your existing keywords. Using too many negative keywords can lead to your ads reaching fewer users. You can learn more about negative keywords here to understand how to implement them into your campaigns.

Negative keyword section on Google Ads.

3. Analyze Your Competitors Paid Traffic

Before you launch campaigns with keywords that you assume will perform well, you can also spy on your competitors with tools like SpyFu to see what keywords they're targeting.

Based on the keywords your competitors are having the most success with, you can also bid on the same keywords or choose a different set of keywords. You can also see what ad copies your competitors are having the most success with and implement some of their ideas into your ad copy as well.

Smart advertisers analyze their competition to get an idea of what's working and what's not to save time and money on testing.

SpyFu website traffic overview.


Beginners often will forget that Google Ads is an auction and you're competing for a spot at the top of the page, so it's important to utilize the tools mentioned along with tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner to have a competitive advantage over others in your space. You must test as much as possible and be sure you're always working on improving your Quality Score to keep your cost per lead (CPL) low. 

If you don't have the time to learn and run Google Ads you can always contact us.

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